Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Finer Points of RJD2... and a New Video....

So, lets just say I have been fond of a man who calls himself RJD2's music. Keyword is FOND. I had not heard the rest of his album Deadringer. However, yesterday I downloaded it... sweet jesus hes good. I cannot think of a better artist to climb to, edit climbing movies with or just relax and listen too. He mixes old blues/R&B songs with cool new rolling drum mixes and with smooth samples from various artists. The end-product is something I believe everyone must hear. Please, download something of RJD2's and bask in the glory of mash-up music. 

Also, there is a new movie of Snowy Moutain Boulders coming out today. Check the Videobar, or just wait for me to put it up. 


1 comment:

  1. woah that's a sick nasties header. How'd you do it... bro?


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