Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lincoln Woodz

While the snow, cold and sometimes rain ravaged the upper parts of NY, our crew got in two sick days out in the slightly south, warm and sunny Lincoln Woods.

On our first trip, Kyle, Spooky and I were new to the woods and were psyched to get on them stones and see what all the hype was about. All that hype is DEFINITELY about something.

JP on Straight Again - V7

We warmed up at the Try Again boulder, first on a supa cool V2 and then on a V5 traverse. Adam sent the traverse, and Kyle got pretty dang close. After giving a few goes at Try Again - V5 and Straight Again - V7, we moved on to the next stop on our tour of the woods.

The day seemed to waste away fairly quickly, and we were losing sunlight fast, so we made our way over to what we hoped was the main attraction at the woods: The Pond Cave Boulder.

Kyle on a Lincoln Woods hyper-classic, Leap Frog - V7

Loaded with SICK lines and classic moves, the pond cave was a treat that we could only enjoy for a short time before being forced out by the fading sunlight. We did get some good burns in on The Pond Cave Traverse - V4, and more importantly Who Needs Hueco - V8, a problem we were pumped to get back to.


Spooky Slapping for Sick Slopers on Heart of Glass - V4

Wah-Hurd. Basically, we were lured to Lincoln once again with hopes of warm weather and fine stone in our hearts. This time, Ben and Luke tagged along for their first visit to the Woods. This time, we warmed up at the Heart boulder, and were psyched on giving goes on Heart of Glass - v4

Kyle getting SERIOUS on Heart of Glass - V4

After struggling for a while, we got some new beta from some locals and were all able to wrestle this beastly, fun problem.

Next, we once again headed for Pond Cave, to give some more goes at Who Needs Hueco with some new beta courtesy of the interwebs.

OH NO! Water was seeping out of cracks all over Who Needs Hueco! What are we to do!? Luckily for us, I happen to have a Masters in Aquatic Engineering, and with the help of my friends quickly dispatched the hydration havoc. A rag here, some chalk blocks there and a sick-ass tape job left the problem mostly dry and good to go.


With new beta in hand, and our water issues solved, we made quick and dramatic progress on the sick line, please note the incredible left hand feature-pinch-awesomeness in the pictures below. So. Good.

Sick right hand pinch. Luke on Who Needs Hueco - V8

After numerous goes, KYLE SENT. Well, he couldn't top out, but for a snowy wet day I give him two thumbs up on the sickness scale. Good work and proud send buddy. CHECK OUT THE VIDEO HERE (Stop watching at 50 seconds for full effect)

As the sunlight faded, we went over to the Yosemite Boulder and put in a little work on Midnight Lichen - V8, Luke sent, sick, and the day came to a close.

Overall, I would definitely head back here sometime soon, there is a world of problems we didn't get to try, but I am so game.


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