Despite iffy weather forecasts and a lot of last minute destination changes, a pretty big crew consisting of Michael, Murph, a few guys from AIR, Spook, Ben, Kyle and myself headed out to a place I had never been before...
the prison boulder.
Also known as the Caroga Lake Boulder, the prison boulder is a massive piece of rock that sits only a few yards in from the road to Nine Corners. Its face is tall, and slightly overhung and hosts a good deal of problems from V0 to V11. The problems are powerful in nature, long and a little scary. Sounds good to me.

We started off on a problem on the left side of the boulder called
Conjugal Visit - V3, it's big, powerful and pretty dang cool. A large deal of us sent and managed to stay warm on the wintry day.

Murph, Ben and Michael gave some solid goes at the signature route on the boulder
Pot of Gold - V11. Murph sent it a while back, but its been unrepeated since.
Michael, Spook, Kyle, Ben and I rolled on out to Nine Corners to put some work in on
Thorazine - V8 and
Over-Burdened - V11. Spook and I made excellent progress on Thorazine, linking all the way to the last move, and Michael managed to move through the crux on the V11, also unrepeated. He didn't send, and neither did Spook and I, but we both made awesome progress.
Ben figured out some
INCREDIBLY POWERFULLY HARD BETA that he somehow could almost sort of do. Before we could finish up our respective problems, the flakes started falling... and then flurrying... and then all out snowing, the top got wet, the air got cold, and after a trechourously fun walk out of the woods, we were in the car jamming to christmas music and
kazookeylele final countdown covers.
It was a pretty good day, and I hope we can get back before Winter really sets in.
Also, it was a fairly successful SWEET SHOTS round... fairly... I got a reply from Josh, one of the guys we climbed with, but no one else submitted their pictures.
COME ON GUYS!Srsly, send yo pics to weekendbouldering@gmail.com
Also, Murph is now an official author of the blog! WOO!
Also, Christmas is in like 16 days or something.
Also, I am calling a vote on the Facebook Page and here, you are allowed to vote twice...