Sendtember is long gone, Roctober has fallen past us like the leaves on the trees, and now we find ourselves in the next conditionally wonderful month of Gnarvember... or No-Hand-Rest-vember?... Nubvember?... Obamawonanoblepeaceprizevember? Eh, whatever clever pun you come up with for this wonderful month (and please, show me those puns in the comments!) there is no doubt how awesome the month is for climbing.... and food.... can't forget that glorious food.
Carraige Road in the Gunks
The weather so far is calling for clear skies all day long. This, coupled with a nice looking day Friday, should produce the first qEXCELLENT climbing day in a long time.
Yes, yes, yes, ten times over yes!!! This is the day we've been waiting for and some serious sending shall be seen. Although this fall has failed us thus far with its rainy tendencies, I consider this weekend a gift from the climbing gods.... Lets make the best of it...
Also, I need to send meaning of life.
Also, Luke needs to get footy.
Not really any news, I'm writing this from my Comp Sci 1 Class though...
Mr. Baciewicz has told me to stop blogging a good 5 or 6 times now...
Also, I just decided that I'll try very hard to put a post out every Monday regarding the sends on Saturday. No longer shall Monday be Monday... now it shall be known as SPRAYDAY.
It's fun being organized!
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