Tuesday, July 21, 2009

ADK weekend, only a week too late.

So sorry for the wait, I was at my fathers house last week and couldn't upload pictures, and a blog without pictures is like me without a simile to compare that situation to. (that just blew your mind).

Two weekends ago, a group made up of Ben, Adam, Izzy, Aaron and I rolled out for a weekend in the wild of the Adirondacks, first stop, Nine Cornered Lake. Nice temps brought us to the lake and we began to climb some rocks.

After warming up a bit, we headed down to Dave's Problem - V3. Izzy worked it hard and made very good progress, but could not pull through. Meanwhile, Ben, Aaron and I took notice of a cool looking V7 called 007 directly left of Dave's. The long problem traverses through powerful, footwork intensive moves to a committing and pumpy top. We all made good progress, but nobody sent.

JP stretching for a foot on 007 - V7

It was then on over to Meat and Potatoes. A classic V1 that's stiff for the grade and a good climb for Izzy. She worked it hard, but couldn't unlock the last, crux, move. Next it was to Ben's project Thorazine - V8. After falling off once, Ben triumphantly executed the tricky top-out and was psyched. He then repeated for the camera.

We went back up to Meat and Potatoes after a little time working, and sending for a few members of our group, Origin - V4. After a bit of work, Izzy sent Meat and Potatoes! A proud send. Everyone else was working another classic V4, Pop or Drop. A tad highball and a little sketchy on the top section, Pop or Drop kept us entertained. (especially with snappy shots like the one in the post below). Even though the top section was wet, Aaron made a commiting send!!!

Aaron keeping his balance on Pop or Drop - V4

DAY 2:

McKenzie Pond.

Ah, McKenzie. After a pleasent... fringey stay at Adam's Camp, and a rousing game of Aquire (look it up) it was off to the far north to experience some of the best bouldering in the park. On the list of climbs for the day were Brock Lee Soars - V2+, Flux Capacitor - V8, Drop the Clutch - V5, Slobadon - V5, and Thrust Fault - V3.

First we headed up to the I.F. boulder and warmed up on some classic V5-ness. (I.F., Slot Machine) and one awesome V2+, Brock Lee Soars. Izzy began work on Brock Lee and made AWESOME progress, but couldn't link through the crux.

Izzy workin' Brock Lee Soars - V2+

We then went straight back to wear my project was on the Wall of Fame boulder. Drop the Clutch is an incredibly fun V5 that I gave a lot of work too on my last visit to the pond. And today, on my second go, I sent. Very happy. On the other side of the boulder is a problem called Thrust Fault - V3 which is also incredibly fun and a climb I like to do everytime I am there. Adam got on today and sent it for the first time!

Meanwhile, Ben was working Flux. Unfortunatly not much progress was made on this excellent line today, but Ben and the whole crew can feel the send coming on.

And once again it's back to the Catalano Household for some Ovaltine, Dinner, Fringeyness, and Aquire (seriously you should look it up though).

DAY 3:

Snowy Mountain Boulders.

Scoping out the impressive Never boulder.

Wow! Three days on? Yup we are milking every bit of time we can get out of this weekend and that means a visit to the crazy Snowy Mountain Boulders. On the menu today is Coitus - V6, SMAC - V8, IHOPP - V6+, The Cure - V8 and Never Left Hueco - V7. We went straight to the Coitus boulder and began warming up.

After working a very fun (but stupid) problem called Jump, Izzy, Aaron and Kyle began working Coitus. Ben was working another V8 called SMAC that he hopped on at the end of the day last time. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Izzy put all her saved energy and skin into... whats that? a V6?! Yes that's correct Izzy made some SERIOUS progress on Coitus, Kyle managed to send! and Aaron sent Pumpkins Arete - V5 directly left of Coitus.

Who's that on Coitus? OH. It's Izzy!

Ben then sent SMAC and had a... "fun" time on the down-climb.

Ben on SMAC - V8

Next we moved up to IHOPP - V6 at the Pancake boulder. Ben repeated, Kyle sent, and Adam came so close it wasn't even funny. Also on the boulder is a line called Insomnia - V6. Kyle, Ben and Adam all sent.

Adam coming all too close on IHOPP - V6+

Finally we all moved on down to Never Left Hueco and after sometime we moved on out and ended our great weekend in the Daks.

Ben chucking for the the top on Never Left Hueco - V7

Just need a little more footage of G.B. and McKenzie for the Video. I want it to be big.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty sure that's the second ascent of 007 nice. I thought the problem was good but it doesn't get that much action


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