Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dack Season

Oh yes, its that time of year. With barely any snowpack left up north, the wonderland of rock that is the Adirondacks awaits us. First place on our list? Good 'ol Nine Cornered Lake! Last Summer Nine Corners introduced many of our members to bouldering in general. The beautiful area boasts many good moderates and some hard stuff too. Lets see what this season has in store.

On Tuesday the 28th, Kyle and I headed down to the Lake after school
While the temps were great (Low 60's) there were rumors of rain, and sure enough after warming up and trying our hand at an old project Can You See My Eyeball? - V3, the clouds started crying. Because I wanted to get done with my own project Dave's Problem - V3, we headed over there quick in hopes of sending before texture was ruined. After working it hard, I sent Dave's and was very happy.

Next we worked The Origin - V4. The Origin is an area classic with super fun moves and an interesting top-out. Kyle got his repeat, and I found myself unable to link it together.

That next Saturday, we returned with Adam to get er done. (Can't believe I just said that...)

We started at the Origin. And after Kyle repeated, again, Adam sent. I was still working it. After many tries I got past my sticking point and began to work the top-out. But it was showing no mercy. I eventually sent using a variation top-out. Still full value, but not quite as classic. Yes there were more sends that day, including Long Live Legos - V5, Shape-Shifter - V5, and Daimond are Forever - V6. Overall, I would say a good day for Nine Corners.
 (In Memory of Ben, who was left to wait in line for a Job GOOD LUCK!)

Anywho, these last two days at Nine bring me to a point I would like to discuss. Not just any point either, its a point I like to call, the sticking point. We've all been there. I can do all the moves on that problem, every single one! No Problem! Except for this one. Well, I've got news, that move makes the problem. Some people call it the crux, meaning the universal hardest section of the climb, but I have found that the crux can be a different move for everyone on the same problem! 

I know I have put myself in situations where I can't get past my own "Personal" crux on a problem, and simply give up because I don't feel like failing on one move when I can do well on so many others. Failing is part of it all! If I didn't fail, how would I know what success is?

 I guess what I am trying to say is if you don't have to work to get a problem, whats the point in getting it. The question isn't whether or not you're going to have a sticking point. You will. The question is are you going to work past it? I'll let you decide.


  1. Yo JP, it's only like a week or two until im back in albany from new paltz. pretty much every weekend i'm gonna make a trip somewhere different. I'll probably hit up everything from the many places in the gunks, to nine corners, to GB, to Snowy mountain, and any of the other locations i might be able to squeeze out of murph.

    Billy Joel

  2. I will hook it up, I know where all the goods are holla at me !!\



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