Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Southern Sends Part 1

Don't get all excited, we aren't out of the woods yet (If by woods you mean upstate New York). No, this is merely the prologue of a series of posts pertaining to our upcoming trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Yes, tomorrow we will be leaving for the warmer temps and softer rock of the South, and enjoying the plethora of hard-core bouldering and climbing the area has to offer. Our crew will be consisting of Adam, Luke, Ben, a friend of ours named Jess, and another chaperon named Mechelle. Below is a crude outline of the activities.

DAY 1, FRIDAY: Arrive in Tennessee. Most likely no climbing, but we will get ourselves situated.
DAY 2, SATURDAY: Bouldering in Little Rock City.
DAY 3, SUNDAY: Bouldering in Little Rock City
DAY 4, MONDAY: Rest day for some rope climbing at T-Wall. Mock-Trad, Leading, Top-Roping.
DAY 5, TUESDAY: Bouldering at Rocktown, GA
DAY 6, WEDNESDAY: Bouldering at Rocktown, GA
DAY 7, THURSDAY: Area of choice. (Horsepens 40 maybe?)
DAY 8, FRIDAY: Head home.

NOTE: This schedule is completely flexible. The blog will be updated DAILY, pictures and all, so check back for changes in schedule and the daily send count.

Enjoy your break everyone,

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