Thursday, January 14, 2010

Eh. Update

I know I know it's been a while, but I'm gonna bring a camera to Lincoln woods tomorrow so get psyched for some videos from both the woods AND Arkansas. SICK.

We hit up the woods last weekend and it was cold n' snowy, but we settled in at Pond Cave Boulder and hopped on some of the sickness there. More on that tomorrow.

Now it's back to not training and watching more lost.

Speaking of lost.

There has got to be some SICK climbing on that damn island... or islands :O
Plus the added danger of some crazy black smoke monster coming to attack you or the hostiles coming to abduct you adds to the fun! For an island with all this crazy magic fate stuff, there better be some crazy magic routes and boulders too. Idk. I'm pretty psyched on the development there. Maybe we can go in the spring? Yes?

I have decided I hate winter forever.

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